Frequently Asked Questions
Please read whether the answer to your question is below before contacting us.
Request delivery
You can find an estimate of the delivery time for the product you want to order. We always strive to meet the stated delivery time. It can sometimes take a little longer abroad due to the parcel service.
If the 'in stock' status is displayed, the order will usually be shipped the same working day.
Yes, when we create a label you will immediately receive a track & trace coder by email.
All information about shipments can be found at the bottom of the website under the heading 'Information'.
For all information about warranty periods, look at the bottom of the website under the heading 'Service'.
For all information about returns, see the bottom of the website under the heading 'Service'.
Product questions
We have a download with a size chart for each product under the heading 'Attachments'. These sizes assume standard finger lengths. Choose a size larger if you have long fingers.
All heated gloves are waterproof (except the inner gloves). The products are equipped with a breathable and waterproof membrane. The leather is not waterproof by default and will need to be treated.
Yes, all wiring is plastic coated and will never become electrified if a product gets wet.
Yes, by hand in Woolite® and then hang to dry. Never wring the clothes.
Check the wattage of each product you want to wear and add it up. Then check how much wattage is available on your electrical system.
Kommer VOF
Kommer Motors
De Standerd 27
- (+31) 342-480065
- (+31) 342-480065 (WhatsApp message)